Sunday 4 April 2010


I was introduced to this series by my husband. For those of you who might not have heard about it, its a television series which is telecast-ed in the US channels such as TNT and USA.Even though my husband told me its a gripping one, and that I should watch it once instead of watching other stupid soaps,I never believed him. Its one of those things, that you don't even want to try out and especially since Sree liked it, I assumed it to be something which might be interesting only for the men and I just decided I wont watch it:). And one day, while he was watching, I just happened to watch one episode and wow all my interest in detective stories were revived.

I was pretty impressed with the way each story is planned and plotted in each of the episodes. Now there are different series for Law and Order. We have the simple ' Law and Order' which contains equal portions of Investigation and Court Drama and we have the ' Law & Order Criminal Intent' which is basically investigating the case. And both of them are my favorites mainly because of the liking I developed towards two of the characters. I have come to love the character Detective Robert Goren in Criminal Intent and Jack McCoy , the litigator in Law and Order.

While Goren investigates a case by understanding human psychology and manipulating the suspect emotionally to finally solve the case, Jack McCoy is someone who practically does what he feels strongly about. He is ready to go against the existing rules of Law to finally find justice. And the full credit for this goes to the director of both the series and the actors Vincent D'Onofrio and Sam Watterson. They are such good actors that they make the character look real! Also its not only the drama of investigating a case that's interesting, its also the dry humor embedded in the conversations that makes it even more appealing.

Another attractive feature about both the series is that they show the professional side giving more prominence to the investigation and court trials unlike some of its rival television dramas.

Well, I am not trying to publicize Law & Order and claiming here that its the best series. This post is basically what I feel about it. Different people have different opinions.

So if there is a Law & Order Marathon on TV, you know where to find me:)


  1. Hmmm... CSI Miami also used to be good... but try watching Prison Break which is already done with the broadcast but you may get it some where. its really awesome. Then some say 24 is also really good. :)

  2. Thanks Deepu...Will try those two too..:)

  3. Hey Deepu, I did watch Pridon break and 24 and must say that Prison Break is mind blowing!!! Liked 24 too :)


Another try at art - Peacock feather

Since my maternity leave started, I have been wanting to do some art work. Also the upstairs bedroom really needed some kind of color in it....