Monday 11 August 2008

First Step to US

OK....I know its been a while since I wrote something..but I am well justified...:) the past 2 months have been the busiest...with marriage plans, post marriage plans and now in US!. Time just flew!!!Earlier when people use to talk about was some place so far!!! that's all that i had in mind.....but now since I am here.when I think back..I realize the actual meaning of terms like
'jetlag', 'Indian food', 'Bland food', 'You cant live without a car here', 'Expensive'. I am not yet old enough in US to actually to form judgements right now...about this place...but all I can say is that it was an impressive sight during landing and also I had been treated royally here(thanks to my hubby and his friends:)).

Saturday 2 August 2008

Packing up!!!

I have been living at chennai for the past 3 years of which, one year i stayed with friends....the first year...and then i went to china shifting all my things to my uncle's place, the third year i was with my uncle at besant nagar. Now the time has come for me to relocate...and i started packing my things...

As i was packing i realised that i can never throw away things that i acquired.. letters...and diaries. Clothes also..there are ones that are totally out of fashion...and stuff that i wont wear outside anymore...i know that...but my mind will tell at that point that..u have spent money on this...u better do justice to these and where them when u can..and again i keep them back...

I have donated clothes before....but then...when it comes to things we really wanna keep or those that we have just worn a few mind flutters...:)

The stuff i accumulated over the three years was packed in several bags...clothes, gifts, cards..and three boxes were parcelled and i also carried some on several trips to home. Inspite of all this it has come to 6 big bags!!!

Another try at art - Peacock feather

Since my maternity leave started, I have been wanting to do some art work. Also the upstairs bedroom really needed some kind of color in it....