Saturday 31 December 2011


One of my friends painted on her bedroom wall with the help of a wall stencil. It came out so beautifully that I borrowed the same from her and decided to make one of my bedroom wall too.

It took me on the whole 4 hours to stencil and paint the picture. It spans over 6 canvases but still, it was very easy. I cannot take any credit of the drawing, but can take credit for the colors :)

Sunday 25 December 2011

What you feel now, is what you write now.

Believe me, I have been wanting to write something for a very long time. This blog has not seen a post for atleast a year now.Many thoughts did come to my mind. but I have been waving them away, because the time the thought strikes and I make a note to pen it down and by the time I actually pick up laptop to write them, the thought already feels, not having enough substance to write about. Eh??

The problem which I have observed with me is, the importance of a thought changes very drastically within my mind. What I feel now is not what I will feel about it in 6 hrs. And I refuse to write anything in a blog that I don't strongly feel about. I feel it is kind of unfair to write about a subject regarding which you felt strongly 2 days back and not actually at the time of writing. It is ok that I strongly felt about something and I wrote it down, and if my thoughts change later on with hours,months or years regarding the same.
So if I do check my blogposts, there is atleast 10-15 of them in drafts, which I just left in the middle, because I could not justify continuing on.. partly laziness to really think through it I could say.

So this one is a short one for the time being, because, if I think more about this, I might just have to leave this one in draft phase too...:)

Saturday 5 February 2011

Hi Dance!

Myself and Dance have come a long way.Its almost as if she is my best friend.I have tried my best to be in constant touch with her but I do agree there has been spans in life where I hardly communicated with dance.Well, after each such span, she has made sure that she makes me go through a tough few months before I speak her language fluently.

Our association started when I was 4 years of age. My parents decided to teach me dance and this was when we had newly shifted to our sweet home in HillGardens, Thrissur.  At 4, you really don't expect yourself to be too thrilled about learning anything seriously, and I was pretty non-opinionated when my parents decided that they should try my interest in dance. My mom was pretty sure that I had some interest because of the numerous times she has seen me swaying in front of the mirror with some song on my lips. Mothers!

I met my Sir. He was an 18 year old boy then whose eyes gleamed with passion for this amazing art form.But at that age, all I could think of is why in the world would a stranger want to come to my house, and try to teach me dance, when I was already pretty happy about my own choreography in front of the mirror.
Little did I know that what  I did in front of the mirror was nothing compared to what I was showed and taught later on.

I remember my parents took myself and Sir to the terrace and they sat around to see the first class.Their keen eyes were on each action of mine in front of my Sir, with my mom eying me to behave myself. I was so busy playing with Barbie that I had no interest in what ever was going to happen.

Sir gave me a smile and asked me my name and I meekly replied. Then the usual question, "which class are you in ?" for which I answered "LKG A".
Oh god, I have this new "cooking set" to play with, when can I get back to that?.
He told me we will begin and I was asked to bend down and get his blessings first. Once that was done, he told me it is essential to get blessings from mother Earth, before you stamp on her and he showed me a very interesting movement where he spread his knees and sat with only his toes touching the ground. I tried to imitate him, but was almost falling off on my butt. After we tried this a few times, he said for the first class this should be enough and ended the lesson.
I remember thinking that it didn't look so tough after all and has some interesting sways, so might as well do it the next time he comes home.

The next day, again he came exactly when I was playing with the new "cooking set" and I almost glared at my mom. Again the blessings were done and he said we are going to the first set of steps. Man! I had not prepared for this. Basically, you are supposed to sit with your feet spread apart and it looks like you are sitting on an invisible bench and keep stamping your foot according to his tapping speed. And you just cant stand up from this bench and relax until the counts are done. And to my annoyance, Sir's counts were strictly 16 and with 4 speeds. Those of you who have learned classical dance, you would agree with me that this was the most dreadful set of days. I totally hated this as my legs pained and me,who is this plump kid almost had my cheeks red with exhaustion. This was too much exercise than I ever wanted.

The next week, he came again. The moment I saw him opening the gate, I ran to the bathroom and closed my door. My mom tried her best to get me out of the bathroom, but no way I was coming out. Finally, my dad, the super man came and told me sternly to get out. I came out with tears in my eyes. I remember Sir telling my dad that he would come another day to teach me. My mom convinced it should be fine, and sent me to class.
I was so upset, that I hardly listened to him. Fortunately, he was a patient man. If it was me in his place, I would have just left the house instead of putting up with a kid who has no interest. But he stayed. And to this day, I thank him for staying...and not losing hope..

He came regularly to teach me in spite of my tantrums of hiding in the bathroom and taught me the little I allowed in between my whining, and leg pain excuses. By the end of 2-3 months, we were done with this first set of tough ones and he started with hand movements. This looked more interesting, at least you had something to relate the so called "footwork" with. I did feel some connection now, because when you do movements with hands, you do feel you are doing something, there is something to show people. In my tiny mind, I started developing few theories about how I could do each step with little effort, much to my Sir's annoyance. He repeatedly corrected me patiently. But still I used to get away with few things here and there.

As the years passed, I started understanding this language better and I found myself really looking forward to the classes. Once a full fledged dance piece starts, you really are telling a story to the audience, so it makes it more interesting. Well, now I can appreciate a piece much more, but then, all it meant was that you have some story to think of, instead of just steps. And with story comes, parts where you can actually  catch some breadth;).

But even after graduating to more challenging pieces,there has  been many a time, when I did convince Sir to count the clouds in the sky, before I agreed to do one of the tougher ones. Yes, I know you must be thinking, "Poor Sir", he is the target of your sympathy now and I really do feel the same way too.

I had my share of dancing on stage, with school competitions, occasional temple performances and school events. And I want to thank my parents here. They have been there for every performance of mine, in spite of their busy schedules. I feel so happy when I think of this now, and I don't think I could have asked for anything more than their constant support from the moment they realized that I was developing interest in this. There was no pressure to be the best, and that I feel was amazing as it really allows you to enjoy what you learn with full freedom.

Thank you Dad, Mom and Cheri.

Years passed by, in the midst of exams and classes, I still managed not to avoid the dance classes, for two important reasons, one for the love for my Sir and secondly for the love for Dance. Through school, through college, I still kept in touch with this art, as much as I could, for the pure fact that I thoroughly enjoyed whenever I was involved in any activity related to Dance. I don't know when I realized that this was one thing which gave me great happiness and peace.

This time when I went back to India, I made it a point to visit my Sir. I went to his place, the place where we used to have our summer dance classes and where I used to run around and pick up the tamarind seeds dropped under the tree, the umpteen number of times Sir's mom has fed me,place where we had all our rehearsals. It was great. The place has changed a lot with Sir renovating the dance school and roads widened. The students have changed. I don't know any of the new students now.But I knew one thing that hasn't changed and  that was my Sir. The same passion in his eyes, the same patience, the same love. Felt really happy to have met him after a long time.

Now when I look back, I am glad, that my parents forced me into this, glad that my Sir patiently stayed along, glad that I made so many friends through this, and mostly glad that it gives me great pleasure and gifted me with a whole lot of amazing memories. I am not sure, how much time one would have to invest in this art form in future, but whatever it left me with was well worth not having played with the kitchen set for 3 hours a week :)

Below is a pic of my sir and his niece in dance costume

Monday 17 January 2011

The 2 weeks of bachelorhood

This happened 6 months back and I had drafted this post then, but I completed it only today.

The title says bachelorhood, and I am a girl....contradicting? Well I am using the word bachelorhood, because I am not very sure if there is a word  called spinsterhood and even if there is, I don't like the sound of it. So sticking to bachelorhood.
 I am married  for almost 2 years now  and have been totally dependent on my husband for everything since the wedding. Its not that I have not lived alone before. I have, when I did work in India, Shanghai and also the initial one year I was in US. It's partly because I just don't want to grow up that if there is someone to make decisions for me, I just let them do that job. So when there were some visa issues when we went over to India in May 2010 and Sree couldn't make it back to the US with me, I was totally upset. Actually was paranoid about how I am gonna be alone at home without him and how I am gonna get things done. I remember, the first night I spent alone in the apartment, I cried.But, after the initial 2-3 days, I  actually got  adjusted.
Yes, there is this constant anxiety of how and when he is going to join me, or if plans are going to change and all, but the things I thought would be extremely difficult for me turned out to be manageable.

The comfort of getting a drop to cal-train station for commuting to work was no longer there. Thankfully my apartment was next to the cal-train station, so I walked to the station daily. It was a good one mile walk, but fortunately the weather was amazing. And after a few days it became a routine. After reaching back home, generally either me or Sree usually take turns in cooking( ok, I agree, most of the days its him), but now I hardly bothered about cooking. I just browse channels, do some pending work or surf the net and and then go to sleep. Time just flew. Also during weekends, I  packed my bags and went to my friend's place and stayed over there for a day. She is an amazing cook, so yummy food was always around. And everyday I had constant phone calls with Sree to catch up on all the news. I also did a good amount of driving as there was no other option. So ya, situations just force you get out of your comfort zone.Well, after around 10 days, though I was doing things my own, I just wanted him to reach back soon to get back to my comfort zone.

After two weeks, we heard back from the consulate and he could travel the following week. Was pretty much thrilled and I don't want this to happen ever in my life again. I don't mind not having this space for myself.Still, I am happy that it made me realize that I can manage stuff on my own, even though some of it was hard initially. So next time he needs to go for an official trip, I am no longer worried as I know what it is like.

After a long time..

I dont know what made me write this post. At 12:43 AM in the morning after a rough few days of cold and cough, I simply cant make myself to sleep. Partly because my throat pain is just not letting me get back to sleep and partly due to my curiosity to watch the next episode of LOST on netflix, I decided to just get out of bed. So before I switched on the TV to watch LOST, I decided to check my office emails and gmail, and came across a few blogs of my friends and I just realized that I hardly wrote anything for the past 6 months or so.

Well I like writing, but many a time, I end up drafting something and never posting it.Things like my Canada trip, cooking recipes, get togethers, happy moments in 2010 all are pending to be penned down. Mainly its because when I do write something, I need to feel totally involved in the writing, or else its simply impossible for me to pen down something. But then now, looks like I am just letting my mind type whatever it wants to.

So as I was trying to sleep, images of my grandparents came to my mind. The yummy food that they always make for me whenever I go to Nehru Nagar, the rainy days when we used to sit outside and watch the rain, the paper boats I made along with my cousins, the number of times I have controlled the TV time to watch Tom and Jerry when I was they were such an integral part of my life till I came down to US. They are still very close to my heart, but yet, I dont really get to see whats going on sitting here. So I decided, I am going to call them more frequently from now on.

There were few other stuff going through my head too..some and there..have to do this, do that..but one another thing that came in strongly was about my friends. I met one of my close friends a few days back and since then I have been yearning to spend some time with my friends. So I decided that next India trip, I will try to go to Bangalore and spend some time with few of my close friends and catch up on some old times. I do really want to plan a meet up of the entire gang but then I am really not sure with the different paths everybody has taken, whether this is ever going to be possible. But still I shall give it a shot sometime in the future. Also I was such an extrovert that I had made so many friends, at work, school, college etc but then now I hardly am in touch with many. I know that is how life is, but the thing is I really do want to hold on to those relationships too. Well with Facebook, you do get all the updates, but then there is nothing that can beat talking once in a while.

Hmm..guess its time for me to go watch an episode of LOST or read something till my sleep kicks in...
I already have something in mind...will pen it down soon in the next post.

Another try at art - Peacock feather

Since my maternity leave started, I have been wanting to do some art work. Also the upstairs bedroom really needed some kind of color in it....