Monday 17 January 2011

After a long time..

I dont know what made me write this post. At 12:43 AM in the morning after a rough few days of cold and cough, I simply cant make myself to sleep. Partly because my throat pain is just not letting me get back to sleep and partly due to my curiosity to watch the next episode of LOST on netflix, I decided to just get out of bed. So before I switched on the TV to watch LOST, I decided to check my office emails and gmail, and came across a few blogs of my friends and I just realized that I hardly wrote anything for the past 6 months or so.

Well I like writing, but many a time, I end up drafting something and never posting it.Things like my Canada trip, cooking recipes, get togethers, happy moments in 2010 all are pending to be penned down. Mainly its because when I do write something, I need to feel totally involved in the writing, or else its simply impossible for me to pen down something. But then now, looks like I am just letting my mind type whatever it wants to.

So as I was trying to sleep, images of my grandparents came to my mind. The yummy food that they always make for me whenever I go to Nehru Nagar, the rainy days when we used to sit outside and watch the rain, the paper boats I made along with my cousins, the number of times I have controlled the TV time to watch Tom and Jerry when I was they were such an integral part of my life till I came down to US. They are still very close to my heart, but yet, I dont really get to see whats going on sitting here. So I decided, I am going to call them more frequently from now on.

There were few other stuff going through my head too..some and there..have to do this, do that..but one another thing that came in strongly was about my friends. I met one of my close friends a few days back and since then I have been yearning to spend some time with my friends. So I decided that next India trip, I will try to go to Bangalore and spend some time with few of my close friends and catch up on some old times. I do really want to plan a meet up of the entire gang but then I am really not sure with the different paths everybody has taken, whether this is ever going to be possible. But still I shall give it a shot sometime in the future. Also I was such an extrovert that I had made so many friends, at work, school, college etc but then now I hardly am in touch with many. I know that is how life is, but the thing is I really do want to hold on to those relationships too. Well with Facebook, you do get all the updates, but then there is nothing that can beat talking once in a while.

Hmm..guess its time for me to go watch an episode of LOST or read something till my sleep kicks in...
I already have something in mind...will pen it down soon in the next post.


  1. U were once my inspiration to blog and now u have done it again. i feel nostalgic whenever i read ur blogs. i so wish to have a get together, at least when we all have our little ones intact;-)

  2. Yay! When i look back at this lovely blog, I can proudly say that you & I made it happen- our get-together in Bangalore. Was so much fun meeting everyone at Mili's home and hosting you, dad and Cheri at our tiny little house. It just made us bond even more and I am so happy you are a person who plans and executes plans!


Another try at art - Peacock feather

Since my maternity leave started, I have been wanting to do some art work. Also the upstairs bedroom really needed some kind of color in it....