Wednesday 23 December 2009

Jingle Bells!!!

"Christmas"..I think its one of the most beautiful words that I know. It carries with it the smell of food, the happy faces, family get-togethers, the sight of beautiful decorations and the best of the best, the feel of HOLIDAYS!!! Well I could say that the above statement has held true for me right from when I was a child till date( not sure of the HOLIDAY part though!!! Its an unwritten rule that you are officially non-holidayic species once you start working in IT).

As a child, I used to wait for the last of the half yearly exams to get over to enter the Christmas Holidays! There will be children shouting to each other "Happy Holidays" and planning for meet ups during holidays:). Extreme happiness of having done with exams and studies for the next 10 days is written on all their faces. We were living in a colony, where all the families around us where Christians. I was the one who was most benefited by it:) We would at least get 7 cakes at home( me being a favorite among all for the amount of food I eat)and yummy dinners from my and uncles...Thank you all for those wonderful times:)..I still miss every bit of it! One of the most cherished memory of mine is the 'Star' that my dad gets for me every year without fail.We both used to go to the terrace and hang it there with lights! Thinking of it now just makes me realize what a precious memory it has turned out to be.During the week of Christmas, I can see the different kinds of Stars hung in every house surrounding ours and all of them twinkling in unison!

Well those were my childhood memories of this wonderful season. And now I am recreating those memories with Sree [ thatz my way of blackmailing him to help me decorate the Xmas Tree:D]with a Christmas tree at home and cooking something special on Christmas:).

Merry Christmas to all of you........

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