Thursday 31 January 2008

BBSR Food & Me

Well...its been three weeks since i came to Bhubhaneswar. The DC is nice, a nice change from Chennai..(for a short while though;)) and I  have comfortable accommodation( TV with all possible channels in the room, something we dont have in chennai).The people are nice and food was also OK. I thought to myself.."wow good decision to come here, this is a nice change."

But as days passed by, my poor stomach started acting weirdly.....The food provided in the food court(north Indian lunch/dinner) started becoming tasteless for me...
The south Indian caterers..provided equally bad lunch,where sambhar and rasam were just names given to liquids served with rice!!
I was a victim of food poisoning for a few days during which the only things i had was cornflakes and milk and sometimes bread.

I usually skip lunch because of the above said issues, but then realizing it as a bad practice, I decided to have lunch from Cafe Coffee Day here. With great eagerness, I bought a chicken sandwich, a cold sparkle and a chicken - Rs100.

I started with the wrap...Oh no!!! too much onions:( .Then I gave that up and gave a bite to the sandwich, which I later realized had BAD tasting chicken and had to stop and the cold sparkle was simply ice with a little coffee powder!!When I dumped everything into the waste basket, it was equivalent to throwing my 100 rupee note inside.Somehow, I just silently walked away, not even bothering to complain to the CCD people(for some reason, the guy who took my orders, looked like a very innocent fellow!!! that saved him!!!)

I was starving and in the evening,taking a chance, I ordered cheese omelette.
Well they were right from the pan and tasted delicious!!! I finally found something which was tasty and knew i could survive on them!!! I was happy.

The moment I told this to my friend here....He said "Hey..Dont have any chicken, or Egg items. There is a report about bird flu"!!!
Well...there goes my cheese omelette!!!!

Now I thrive on soup and bread toast and milk!

And reading this, if any of you feel that I might have lose some weight, well u know me too well;)..I always find stuff to eat..because of the simple fact..I love eating;)

P.S...i do try to diet;)

Tuesday 29 January 2008

Left or Right Brained???

Well, we all know we have two sides to the brain...
If you want to know which side of yours is more dominant..then...check this out
There is no gaurantee that the test here in accurate.

P.S - I did the test myself and both my sides are found to be equally dominant;) though I always thght I was a right brained person!

Monday 28 January 2008

Identity match!!!

Well, I have this habit of going through the sun-sign column of magazines, to know the prediction for the coming week..(whenever I get a chance).I even browse through some other columns which tells you what kind of person you are depending on which sign you fall under. Most of us have received many forwards...which asks us to identify the tree we fall under(depending on the date of birth) and then it goes on to describe the characteristics of people under that tree.

Well, initially I used to be very curious to know what they have written....but then it is always so generic that I hardly find 2-3 characteristics that match mine!!rest are alien to my personality!
But then..I still keep reading them...for the fun of it....

Likewise I came across an article in a local Malayalam magazine where they have 8 pictures and have asked you to identify the picture you like most. I liked one pic...and when I read the characteristics for people in that category, I was so surprised to find that it exactly matches mine! This is the first time I have seen something that matches so closely!

Well..i am not gonna write down what those characteristics are here;)...just thought of sharing this with you all:)Who knows, you might also end up finding something written so perfectly about you:)

Saturday 19 January 2008

Flying weekends!

Well, I am someone who always plans a whole lot of things to do on weekends!!! The list starts from washing clothes(which nowadays I give away to the laundry in BBSR), reading,writing,gymming,checking out the shops in town and more than anything finding some time to clean the room and keep things in order(well people who know me well will be surprised about this last statement, but then yes I do enjoy being clean nowadays;)).

I always look forward to weekends to relax and I also believe that weekends give me the time i need for myself to think about the things i need to think off!(Since life is always a mystery!!!).
Anyways this Friday was no different either!I had the same plans in mind and it always give me a high on Friday evening to know that i have the next 2 days completely for myself!.

Saturday morning started for me at around 11:00 (that's when I woke up), and my roomie pushed me into getting dressed, so that we can go and have food at a nice hotel(we were getting sick of the food provided at the BBSR campus). That took an hour or so and then finally we started off.It took us a while to order and till the food came, we immersed ourselves in some enlightening conversation(well, if u guys think that girls can talk only about Bollywood, or cosmetics, u are very much wrong).We should thank Swasti plaza for the amazing long time they took to serve the food that, by the time we got out of that place, it was nearly 3!!!.A trip to the parlour and then back to our room took another one hour!. It was already 4:30 in the evening. We both had this big plan of going to gym, so we thought that we would rush in there and just do the basic cardio exercises!!!There goes another one hour and its almost 6:30. I go and have my dinner and then back to watching TV and there goes my Saturday(my precious one day holiday) .Now all I have is Sunday!!! to do all the things i planned, which still is long!

Well Sunday starts again at 11:00 and breakfast and surfing the net took almost 2 hrs!!!. Right now its 1:30 here and i am still writing this blog.I haven't had my relaxing bath, I haven't gymmed today and I haven't cleaned my room yet!!!and my Sunday is gonna go way too fast too!!!

I mean we wait for 'our' Saturday and Sunday for the whole week(which never runs fast)....and how fair is it for it to just end so fast???Every weekend of mine just flies!I don't know why it is that the times i enjoy the most have to run so fast?Every time I enter the new week, I always enter it with guilt for not doing any of the things i planned during the weekend.There are very few times when i have let my priorities overcome my laziness!!I wish I could control time!!!

Friday 18 January 2008

Hot Rasagullas

Well, i have been transfered to Infosys,Bhubhaneswar for 6 weeks on some project work. I landed here and was impressed with the DC and the great accomodation provided. There is a full fledged gym and also a very good swimming pool. i was lazing around in my room on a sunday after a trip to the gym, when my teammate called up and told me to be ready.I asked "Why??" and he just said"We'll all go out somewhere and probably have dinner and return".

I was ready and they came and picked me up.As i sat behind the bike, i was wondering where we are heading to. I kept asking for which i got no reply.Well, i was enjoying the ride and the city and i knew we were heading in the direction of cuttack(city next to bbsr).I was wondering.."Are we gonna go to cuttack now??", when he stopped the bike.

I saw a row of roadside shops, selling rasagullas:). And they were hot!!!Initially i thought i'll just have one, but they tasted so fresh that i had to forget dieting and have one more.Well eating that rasagulla sitting there on a small bench was one of life's most happiest moments.


I was going through an old album in Picasa( containing some selected pics of friends starting from school till a year back) and I couldn't help smiling.There were pics of mine with my best friends from school and also of friends with whom I have had some of the best times in college and at work.None of these pics were perfect where in people looked their best..they were natural pics, that portrayed the amount of fun that we all had.This got me thinking to how much we take for granted in life.

Most of the times I take my friends for granted, and I just dump my frustrations, my confusions, my anger and my sorrow on them.You have all the fun in life with them and u also grow with them.Each pic in this album made me realize how important these people are in my life.If not for my friends, I would never have seen so much happiness in my life...I would never have learnt to love people unconditionally.I am so selfish that I don't even want to lose even one friend of mine.I would just not be complete without all of them:):):)

Thursday 17 January 2008

My Mom

A few years back, say around 5 years back, when I think of 'mom', the face that came to my mind was of a lady, with a calm face, a nice smile, long hair, and beautiful eyes. Well my mom was beautiful. She was a respected doctor and she had a lot of compassion for people around her.Her thoughts were that of a mature person, and I must say this, that she lived only for me and my dad.She has brought me up, giving me all the happiness and shielding me away from all harm.My grandparents were proud about their daughter and well I was even more proud about her.

Unfortunately when I was in my Xth, she was detected with cancer. We were shocked. We couldn't believe that this could happen to her.My mom was shattered. She was very sad about leaving me.She never told that to me, but I could sense it.I knew I would be missing her and she would be missing me too....We were positive that we could treat this for a while, but after a few months, we realized that it has spread so much that now it is impossible to be free of it.

She passed away on May 26th 1999, a date which both me and my dad think of, but never speak about.After her demise, dad and me continued to live our lives, but there was something missing for sure.We are not the sympathy seekers, so we always try to put up a calm face so that we could avoid the sympathy on people's eyes. It's not because we don't require support, but talking and thinking about her, reminded us of her loss even more.

Three years passed, and finally we decided that its time that my dad married again.I was very open to the idea of bringing someone into our life.It is true that the thought of sharing my dad with someone new, and also the thought of accepting someone in my mothers place was very difficult for me,but somehow I just knew that this was the right decision.

As days passed, we got to know about somebody from our own native, who is ready for a remarriage. I went and met her with my dad, and she was tall, dusky and was extremely well dressed.You could call her a lady of current trends.I was neutral about this but never gave too deep a thought.
Only once she started sharing our lives, did I  realize how different she is from my mom.
But thankfully,I never compared them.Both of us became friends and then later best friends.
I had always referred her as my best friend to anyone who asked me about her.I liked a lot of things about her and there were  a lot of things which I didn't agree with her. But trust me she is the best thing that happened to me and my dad.She turned out to be all in all at home and I was so proud of the way she gelled well with my entire family.

I have heard many stories about things not going well between step mom and daughter, but  was so surprised and happy to realize what a gift she was to us. Yes, she has her tempers and her strong ideas about certain things, but the bonding that we developed as friends was far more stronger than ever. Its been 6 years now, and everyday I am reminded that she is my blessing. And the decision to support my dad to remarry and bring her to our family is one act I am really proud about myself. I completely love her and adore her, just like I adored my mother and I also know she loves me a whole lot just like her daughter. You just have to be open to people, and you can experience how much love they can shower on you.

Now when, I think of the word 'mom', I must say, there are two faces that comes to my mind:)

Thank you God!

Another try at art - Peacock feather

Since my maternity leave started, I have been wanting to do some art work. Also the upstairs bedroom really needed some kind of color in it....