Monday 28 January 2008

Identity match!!!

Well, I have this habit of going through the sun-sign column of magazines, to know the prediction for the coming week..(whenever I get a chance).I even browse through some other columns which tells you what kind of person you are depending on which sign you fall under. Most of us have received many forwards...which asks us to identify the tree we fall under(depending on the date of birth) and then it goes on to describe the characteristics of people under that tree.

Well, initially I used to be very curious to know what they have written....but then it is always so generic that I hardly find 2-3 characteristics that match mine!!rest are alien to my personality!
But then..I still keep reading them...for the fun of it....

Likewise I came across an article in a local Malayalam magazine where they have 8 pictures and have asked you to identify the picture you like most. I liked one pic...and when I read the characteristics for people in that category, I was so surprised to find that it exactly matches mine! This is the first time I have seen something that matches so closely!

Well..i am not gonna write down what those characteristics are here;)...just thought of sharing this with you all:)Who knows, you might also end up finding something written so perfectly about you:)

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